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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
26th June 2024 Issue no. 711

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The giant of integrated padlock security

* ABUS-giant-padlock.jpgIf you need to secure a door around 48 ft x 24 ft, the size of four professional snooker tables, then ABUS might just have a padlock big enough to do the job.

ABUS claim to have created the largest genuine working padlock in the UK. It is a fully working big brother of ABUS' integrated 83 range, measuring a whopping 30cm x 19cm x 8cm, and weighs over 8kg. compared to the 620gms of it's normal size companion the 83CS/50.

The key to this monster is some 22cm long and a bow as large as your fist!

The huge padlock was created to showcase ABUS' world-class Chinese production unit and to endorse its new integrated 83 Padlock Series.

The giant 83CS/120 is an exact copy of the 83CS/50mm closed shackle padlock. All the internal workings of the 83CS/120, from the pin tumbler mechanism through to the ball bearing locking, are exactly as you would find them in the 83CS/50 - just a lot bigger!

ABUS UK's MD Nick Vanderhoest says: "We are very proud that our ABUS China factory, unique in that it manufactures exclusively for ABUS, could commission this unique real life working big brother padlock. It has already proved a valuable focus point at exhibitions and shows premiering the launch of our 83 integrated padlock range."

While the original 83CS/50 has a RRP of £53.40 including VAT, the unique 83CS/120 would set you back at least £5,000.

A total of 10 different ABUS 83 padlocks - from a 45mm brass through to a CEN5 80mm solid steel security block - are available with a standard 1A keyway as an off-the-shelf security solution and can also be ready prepared with APf unique registered sections. This means 83 Series padlocks can be retro fitted to existing APf systems and/or new systems can be planned and supplied with appropriate padlock security specified for the location.

Prices for the 83 range with A1 keyways range from £28.00 RRP for the 45mm brass to £42.50 for the 'Extreme' 63mm closed shackle, so integrated security is good value. The 83 range is supported by FOC merchandising and POS.

Currently ABUS has no plans to create a similar APf cylinder lock for integration with the massive 83SC/120 padlock but Nick insists that ABUS' specialist production unit in Pfaffenhain, Germany, can and does produce cylinders for doors up to 1m thick.

Picture shows: ABUS UK's MD Nick Vanderhoest with the giant showcase 83CS/120 padlock

For technical information on ABUS products, contact: Nick Vanderhoest

Kestrel Court, Harbour Road, Portishead, Bristol, BS20 7AN
Tel: 01275 390610 Fax: 01275 390613
[email protected]

8th June 2011

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