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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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SuperVAG Key makes car key creation super easy

* Tradelocks-VAG.jpgTradelocks introduce the solution to creating VAG Vehicle car keys in ALL key lost situations. As all auto locksmiths know, it can be time consuming and challenging to create keys for VAG vehicles when the original keys have been lost or no longer work.

Often it is complicated and ends up being expensive for the customer. But there is a solution and it is now in stock at UAP Tradelocks!

The SuperVAG Key is a key programming device for Audi, VW, Skoda and Seat vehicles which allows for fast and easy key creation, especially in ALL KEY LOST SITUATIONS.

VAG is the name given to the Volkswagens Group of cars which use VAG-COM for electronic functions. It is often difficult and expensive to create keys for these vehicles, but this new product brought to Tradelocks by SuperVAG Diagnostic Tools has the problem solved!

The device will programme car keys and remotes for a wide range of VAG vehicles up to the year 2013. It could potentially cost a customer up to £350 from a main dealer to have a new key created for one of these types of vehicles, when all keys have been lost. But by investing in the SuperVAG Key you'll be able to offer customers a service not many can provide.

How the SuperVAG Key works

The SuperVAG is the very best product in this area of locksmithing and offers services for the auto locksmith that no other tools have. Some of its functions include learning remotes, diagnostics to determine vehicle status and functions for transponder pre-coding and key learning.
This specialised tool is simple and user friendly; having been designed to work with keys and remote controls for the VAG group of vehicles via OBD diagnostics. It allows you to pull pin codes and programme keys, as well as immobilise chips of all keys.

When you are in an ALL KEY LOST SITUATION, meaning there is no working or valid key, the immo data cannot be read directly. Because of this, the dashboard needs to be put into service mode. Once the dashboard is dismounted from the car, the SVG add-on cables that come with the product must be connected to the dashboard. These are specially designed cables that mean no soldering is necessary. The SuperVAG communication interface is then connected to the OBD connector of the SVG add-on cable. Once the power supply is also connected the SuperVAG Key programme can run on the key learning function.

Once the program has detected the dashboard type, the immo data can be read. The SuperVAG Key programme will guide you to get the immo data file, and then you can proceed with the standard key learning process.

You can rest assure that there is no need to remove needles or for soldering, and an EEPROM programmer is not required. All you need is the SuperVAG Key and SVG157 or SVG149 add-on cable.

The SuperVAG key is also able to work with Orange 5 and Tango programmer systems, which can read trouble codes and immobilisers as well as pin and component security.

The programme makes complicated functions as simple as possible with step by step processes and includes pre-programmed steps to simplify complicated procedures. If this all was not enough it comes in a durable and practical case, making creating keys for VAG vehicles simple!

To find out more about this product visit: www.tradelocks.co.uk

18th November 2015

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