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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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New Axis explosion protected network cameras for hazardous areas

* Norbain-Axis.jpgNorbain has announced the release of Axis explosion protected network cameras. The cameras feature stainless steel housings and offer full HDTV resolution image quality.

They are ideally suited to video surveillance monitoring of onshore, offshore, marine, and heavy industrial environments, such as the oil and gas industry, as well as dusty environments, such as paper and textile industries.

The XF40-Q1765 Explosion Protected Fixed Network Camera and XP40-Q1765 Explosion Protected PTZ Network Camera both feature a 316L stainless steel housing certified for hazardous areas according to ATEX, IECEx, cLCus and Class I, II/Div 1 for OSHA, amongst others.

The housings are manufactured and certified by Oxalis Group Ltd in the UK, a specialist provider of communications and security solutions for hazardous areas, and are fitted with customised AXIS Q1765-LE Network Cameras.

The camera housings prevent any inside spark or explosion from escaping and igniting gases or dust in the surrounding air. They can also be equipped with certified, explosion protected accessories, such as wall mounts, pole top brackets and a pressurised washer tank.

They provide superb image quality and colour fidelity, as well as a high level of flexible integration with other equipment, such as access control and fire alarms. They offer flexible remote accessibility, using any existing IP-based networks. XP40-Q1765 also offers continuous 360 degree pan-tilt.

For more information, please speak with your Norbain account manager on 0118 912 5000

6th January 2016

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