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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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Keyprint - Stand C4-C5

* Keyprint.jpgKeyprint (established in 1980) is a leading supplier to the Locksmith, Architectural Ironmonger, Hardware, Heel Bar, Key Cutting, Security and OEM trade for over 30 years. Our business has been built over the years with excellent relationships, service and knowledge of products that we supply to our customers.

We have long standing working relationships with many of the leading global companies in the locking and security industry, such as Assa/Abloy, Silca, Allegion (previously known as Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies), Kaba, Wendt and Peterson Tools, to name a few. Working closely with our suppliers enables us to bring new products to market, in addition to providing excellent service and training for our customers.


24th February 2016

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