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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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* LockExpo.jpgWell six years of locksmith exhibition organising comes together this weekend in the ONLY annual exhibition organised for locksmiths by locksmiths, sponsored by Tradelocks.

This show promises to be exceptional, with many of the exhibitors showing new products for the first time. Pre-show bookings have continued with many new registrations, previously registered visitors requesting password changes, and hundreds downloading their unique 'QR' fast track entry codes. Guests of visitors can be sorted on the door by asking the receptionist to print you a ticket.

There is an all day bar, snack food and a hot lunch menu. Early arrivals on Saturday can take advantage of a breakfast roll and hot drink before the show opens, although these will continue to be served throughout the morning. The refreshments will be served in the Gallery this year - a chance to sit, eat, drink and chat.

There has been huge interest in the Bring and Buy sale with hundreds of items at reduced prices, many surplus to requirements and one huge retirement sale. Come and bag a bargain. Credit cards accepted by some of the sellers.

Free parking on the whole of the University site. www.lockexpo.co.uk 

If you have an interest in Auto locksmithing, want to find out more, need new kit, or would just like to chat and meet like minded people then ALEXPO returns 1st and 2nd October at the Belfry, Nottingham - see the website www.alexpo.co.uk. And don't worry, if you're registered for lockexpo your registration is valid for Alexpo.

24th February 2016

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