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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
8th January 2025 Issue no. 735

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Pro-Vision release new product catalogue

* Pro-Vision-2016-catalogue.jpgPro-Vision, the UK distributor of security equipment has recently launched its latest 200+ page product catalogue (dated March 2016) featuring the very best in branded CCTV and Access Control equipment.

David Westwood, External Sales Manager for Pro-Vision told us, "The 2016 edition includes an expanded IP section with the very latest products from Bosch, Dallmeier, IDIS, Panasonic, Pelco and Samsung. On the analogue side we have included the latest SNAP-ANPR range and new monitors from Vigilant Vision."

"At over 200 pages the catalogue is our largest publication to date - and with nearly 70 pages devoted to the IP section alone - there is sure to be a product, brand and solution to satisfy the most demanding applications. Due to the extensive range of equipment we can supply the catalogue can only provide a taste of the vast number of products which are now available from Pro-Vision. With images, product features and improved descriptions the latest edition of our catalogue provides an indication of what each product can deliver. For more comprehensive detailed information we supply the relevant datasheet and can answer any other questions our customers may have."

David continued, "The Access Control section has also increased this year and now includes the STANLEY PAC Infiniteplay range. An up-to-date list of all the brands we distribute are displayed on the back cover of the catalogue. It's obviously impossible for us to list every product from all the manufacturers we represent but if the brand is listed we are able to obtain any of the products in their ranges for our customers."


16th March 2016

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