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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
5th February 2025 Issue no. 739

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Simply Keys 18th & 19th June

* Simply-Keys.jpgHickleys are holding their annual customer weekend called Simply Keys on the 18th & 19th June in Wolverhampton.

If you are an Auto Locksmith, offer vehicle key cloning or are interested in entering this market, this is the place you have to be to see the latest in vehicle key solutions. Simply Keys is not a conventional trade show, it is packed with vehicle demonstrations, product demonstrations, technical discussion and presentations.

We are supported by the leading key programming specialists Advanced Diagnostics, IEA (Zedfull) and Truecode as well as many of the UK's leading suppliers including NW Keys, Aldridge, SKS, Davenports, Advanced Keys, An San and more.

There will be lots to see with an exciting range of new vehicle demonstrations including the latest Ford 2014 software, 2014 Mazda pin bypass, VAG UDS dash, Audi smart key, Mercedes key programming, Renault Clio 4 key programming and more. Staff from Hickleys, Advanced Diagnostics, Zedfull and Truecode will be on hand to discuss specific technical programming areas.

* Simply-Keys-logo.jpgThere will be demonstrations on the latest ID48 cloning, eepromming, vehicle entry lock picking and decoding skills, key cutting and profiling machines, in fact everything on show can be seen working.

Another area popular with customers is the info bite presentations that happen throughout the day, these are 20min talks on various market segments or opportunities you might like to know more about, subjects like, Fiat, VAG and Audi smart key programming, id48 cloning, the latest Mr Li picks, pincode service, entering the auto market and training opportunities, a full program will be released soon.

Finally, the Simply Keys show is the very best place for a deal, our prices are rock bottom with amazing deals available on everything, equipment, software, tokens, keys, training. In addition last year we gave away over £30,000 in prizes and this year is no different, come along and you can win an MVPRO, Zedfull, Tibbe Junior key machine, RW4+ and many more prizes.

To see more information and register your attendance go our website www.hickleys.com or contact Nicky Summers on 01823 328604

18th May 2016

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