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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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3DG launch the Mercedes NEC IR Key-ESL Kit by Simon Touch

* Simon-Touch-Launch.jpgThis is one of the most comprehensive Mercedes tools on the market. As well as being able to programme Mercedes keys this tool is able to perform multiple other functions such as fast key calculations and renew used or unrepairable ESL with no dealer pass or tokens.

This tool is a great addition to any autolocksmith tool kit and we have packages to suit most needs, from those who specialise in repairing to those who want to programme.

As proud exclusive UK distributors of the Mercedes NEC IR Key-ESL Kit we are launching an introductory 20% off offer for the MB Full Kit from the 16th-22nd May*.

For more information on our product range visit us at 3dgroupuk.com or call our support team on 0115 941 5333

*Offer valid from 16th-22nd May 2016. Exclusions apply. Offer only redeemable on the MB Full Kit. Manager reserves the right to withdraw the offer at any time.

18th May 2016

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