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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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The car that locks out cyber criminals: Hack-proof black cab to be unveiled in London

* black-cab.jpgBy Ryan O'Hare

A British firm claims to have made the first hack-proof security system that uses a series of firewalls and unique data keys which can't be cloned. Experts have warned vulnerability of car computers is a major concern. The system is fitted in the next generation of London taxi, the Metrocab

Cybercriminals on the lookout for a vehicle to hack may soon face stiff opposition, as experts claim to have made the first hack-proof car.

Would-be hackers have turned to targeting cars as on-board computers become increasingly common to control locking and safety systems - such as auto braking and power steering.

Experts say that bolstering security and making vehicles impervious to cyber criminals is a crucial step as autonomous vehicles roll out in coming years.


29th June 2016

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