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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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ODSecurity selected for major Canadian through-body scanner contract?

* OD-scanner.jpgNetherlands based security systems manufacturer, ODSecurity, and their Canadian distributor, Visiontec Systems, have announced the award of a contract to supply 29 Soter RS Through-Body Scanners to the Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services, Ontario, Canada. 

The Soter RS will be installed in 26 adult institutions across the province over the next two years, with deliveries beginning June 2016. Eleven systems are scheduled for installation by March 2017. The Soter RS will be used to scan inmates for contraband such as; drugs, tobacco, cell phones and weapons in an effort to reduce them from being smuggled into the prisons.

Jan Steven van Wingerden said: "We are delighted to receive this order from Canada, and are confident that our equipment will provide significant added value in supporting the Ministry in preventing contraband from entering their correctional institutions."

The use of Through-Body Scanners in prisons is recognised as the most effective way of countering the smuggling of contraband material without subjecting inmates to intrusive body searches.??The SOTER RS is a low dosage full body scanner which combines ultra-low radiation with maximum visibility, for use at airports and prisons. Within seconds the SOTER RS reveals hidden illicit items such as weapons, narcotics, diamonds, or any stolen or smuggled goods. The SOTER RS shows a clear contrast between human tissue and other materials, so even ingested, non-metal or camouflaged items will be revealed.

SOTER RS has been successfully deployed in prisons, airports, detention centres, police and customs.


29th June 2016

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