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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Visbox Technologies launches new HD-SDI HDMI-based video link system

* VBT.jpgVisBox Technologies (VBT), a leading UK-based developer of surveillance and video transmission solutions, has introduced a new wireless video link system. The HD-SDI HDMI-based link delivers full 1080p HD uncompressed video at clear line-of-sight ranges of up to 300-700 metres with virtually no delay.

The transmitter weighs just 224g making it suitable for use in a wide range of broadcast and security applications including point to point video links, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and robotic systems.

Operating over the unlicensed 5GHz frequency band, the VBT video link system transmits 1080p pictures at 1 ms delay without compression. This ensures that the highest quality images are received and provides a virtually instant view of what is being filmed. The link allows a wide range of power voltage inputs from 9-36 volts for compatibility with most camera batteries. It also provides a flexible multi-casting capability, enabling any number of receivers to view the same transmitter simultaneously.

Quick and easy to deploy, the plug and play transmitter and receiver both have 10 position rotary switches to select channels. A wireless RSSI indicator with 5 green LEDs on the receiver enables the signal to be quickly and easily optimised for the best performance. The VBT system supports both HDMI and 3G-HD-SDI inputs and outputs and uses the latest MiMo techniques to ensure signal integrity and increase bit rates to transmit higher quality images over the available bandwidth.

Fully FCC and CE certified, the VBT system is housed in aluminium casing making it sufficiently robust and weatherproof for a wide range of operating conditions in temperatures from 0C to +60C. The transmitter is 114x67x23mm and weighs 224g, whilst the receiver is 178x125x23mm and weighs 548g without antennas.

For further information, please call 02476 306606

19th October 2016

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