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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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Enduracase: The Next Generation Of Remote Cases

* 3DG_EnDuracase.jpgAfter 12 months of rigorous testing and development, 3D Group are proud to introduce the toughest Honda and Toyota remote cases on the market. This new innovative product from 3D Group outperforms other Honda and Toyota remote cases due to it's revolutionary screwless 'push & click' design.

Their unique construction removes the known weak point, meaning they are able to endure stresses and strains for far longer than other Honda and Toyota remote cases on the market.

These screwless key cases are designed to have a close appearance to the genuine case but with the removal of the common weaker elements of the genuine and other currently available aftermarket cases.

They come fitted with a key blade.

There is also a media pack available to download if you would like to let your customers know about Enduracase. You are able to download marketing resources at www.endura-case.com

30th November 2016

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