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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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SeSys VS-One Video Matrix Server appliance offers innovative multi camera display and MxPEG to H.264/RTSP conversion designed for environments that require surveillance video without a PC

* VSONE.jpgAs part of a strategy to encourage partners to build a higher value solution, MOBOTIX has announced that its Solutions partner SeSys has created an innovative new MOBOTIX compatible accessory that allows video surveillance use cases to benefit from powerful new display and integration features.

The new SeSys VS-One Video Matrix Server is a small standalone appliance that operates in two modes.

While deployed in Matrix mode, the appliance can directly display real-time video from as many as 9 MOBOTIX cameras on a single HDMI compatible monitor or TV without the need for a PC. A 1, 4 or 9 way Matrix is supported and optimises the display of the cameras on screen, configured through an integrated browser GUI.

For use cases that require simplicity, this mode takes advantage of the MOBOTIX distributed architecture that processes video directly inside each camera that can be stored on internal SD card or across an IP network to any Network Attached Storage Device.

The VS-One when deployed in its Video Server mode can convert a single MOBOTIX MxPEG stream into H.264 Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). This functionality allows MOBOTIX solutions to deliver deeper levels of system integration for example by embedding video into websites and for use with other video analytics applications that require H.264 or RTSP.

"Our aim with the new VS-One product is to enhance the capability of the MOBOTIX product set we have worked with for over 10 years that has been vital in helping customers across the world deliver innovative solutions," explains Dan Eames, Operations Director for SeSys. "Unlike other vendors in this space, MOBOTIX has actively helped partners through its Software Development Kit and close relationship with senior technical engineers to innovate and VS-One is an example of how working together can deliver innovative third party solutions that benefit end customers and the wider MOBOTIX community."

One such partner that has already deployed VS-One is Switchnet Systems, a MOBOTIX AMP partner that has installed the solution at The Snow Centre, Hemel Hempstead, the UK's leading indoor snow sports facility as part of an ongoing refresh of the site. "The Snow Centre already has over 50 MOBOTIX cameras along with Wi-Fi and VoIP telephony solutions that we installed" explains Gregg Pike, Managing Director for Switchnet Systems, "As part of the recent office and conference room refurbishment, the management team at the centre wanted a single large screen that could display 9 key CCTV cameras views in the easiest fashion. VS-One is an alternative option as it is more cost effective than a PC, uses less power, is quieter and offers more reliability by removing the need for operating systems, hard disk and other components. Setting it up took under an hour and our client is extremely pleased with the result."

The development of VS-One is endorsed by MOBOTIX which has embarked upon an ongoing strategy to help its channel deliver more value added solutions that utilise a mix of innovative technology along with services such as design, implementation and support.
Frank Graham, Key Account Manager for MOBOTIX added, "VS-One is a great example of a useful third party accessory that takes advantage of the innovation that is at the heart of the MOBOTIX portfolio to add value to the wider product family. We wholeheartedly support partners like SeSys that have taken the initiative and urge other partners to look at ways in which products from the wider channel community can help to meet the needs of customers in this competitive marketplace." The VS-One is available directly from SeSys with discounts for registered MOBOTIX partners.

For more information, please visit www.sesys.com


8th February 2017

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