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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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Mitie's security management business launches inaugural thought leadership event

On Thursday 9 February, Mitie's security management business held its first thought leadership event at the Institute of Directors in London.

Titled The Kurtzman Club - after Joel Allen Kurtzman, the founding Editor-in-Chief of Strategy + Business magazine, who first coined the term 'thought-leader' - the event brings together leaders and influencers from the security sector to look at the future of security and challenge the status quo, to steer and future-proof the industry.

One of the keynote speakers at the inaugural event includes Edwin Lustig, Managing Director of Robot Security Systems - an exciting company from the Netherlands that has invested significantly in developing a robotic for the private security sector.

Jason Towse, Managing Director of Mitie's security management business and host of The Kurtzman Club, comments:

"I am really excited to be launching The Kurtzman Club. I am passionate about the sustainability of our sector and see an opportunity to bring experts and influencers together in a forward thinking forum to challenge, innovate and work together to shape the future of the security industry."

For more information about the event, please get in touch with Lizzie Neave, Marketing Director at Mitie: [email protected].

8th February 2017

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