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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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VPS Group announce key addition to senior management team

* Ian-Nisbet_VPS-MD.jpgThe property solutions company, VPS Group, has appointed a G4S, Securicor and Chubb high-flyer, Ian Nisbet, to be their Managing Director of VPS UK.

Nisbet combines previous global business experience as Managing Director for G4S International Logistics and before that, Securicor Aviation, with over a decade of military service as a major in the British Army.

A VPS Group spokesman said: "Ian joins VPS just as we have brought together our vacant property services with Evander, our glazing and locks specialist, creating a new division, VPS Property Solutions. With four other divisions that cover site security, guardians, grounds maintenance and Ireland, we now need Ian's 'major' talent combining his business acumen with his military organisation."

VPS UK originally built its market leading position as a specialist in providing protection for vacant commercial and residential properties, but has seen its remit develop into added-value security and safety options for the construction sector with its innovative JCB Smart Tower technology. It has also introduced to the UK the best-model practice for property guardians' schemes.

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1st March 2017

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