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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Kwikset Obsidian smart lock

* Obsidian.jpgObsidian is one of the new residential smart locks shown by Kwikset at ISC West, and will be available later in the year. Said to be among the first on the market with the Z-Wave 500 Series chipset, Obsidian offers a number of enhancements including extended wireless range and security features reducing the vulnerability of the network.

Obsidian eliminates the need for traditional keys, and will be available with standalone and connected options, enabling users to lock and unlock their front doors using the sleek black touchscreen or their smartphones. The lock's all-metal interior has advanced mechanical and electronic security features, whilst eliminating the keyway removes the threat of picking or bumping.


19th April 2017

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