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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Register for IFSEC International and receive a complimentary download

* Borders.jpgRegister for Borders & Infrastructure Expo, an IFSEC event, today and receive a complimentary download of Brexit: What are the security and resilience implications. The report from London First provides an overview of the top-level issues and an analysis of the challenges and opportunities presented by the referendum result of June 2016.

Join other high-end security professionals at the launch of Borders & Infrastructre Expo, in conjunction with Europe's most renowned security event, IFSEC International, addressing your critical needs for large scale security projects.

Ensure a solid security strategy at Borders & Infrastructure Expo, 20 - 22 June 2017. ExCeL London By attending, you'll access leading security providers showcasing the latest advancements in both physical and cyber solutions.

26th April 2017

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