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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Lockexpo training

* Lock-seminar.jpgLockexpo are excited to announce some of the training sessions we will be holding at the show in March 2018. Confirmed so far, we have:

Introduction to Auto Locksmithing - Warren Rockley
Impressioning - Alan Morgan
Cylinder Bumping (and other NDE techniques) - Mark Ward
Non Destructive Entry Masterclass - Nigel Tolley
3 Wheel Combination Locks - Stuart Game

We're planning to add more classes to the schedule, but you can book on any of these now at https://lockexpo.co.uk/training/

We've also announced a lot of the exhibitors who'll be joining us. To see who's been announced so far, click here:


22nd November 2017

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