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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Double win for Mitie at the Security & Fire Excellence Awards 2017

* Mitie-standards.jpgMitie's security management business has scooped two awards at the Security & Fire Excellence (SEA) Awards 2017.

The awards ceremony, held on 22 November at the London Hilton Hotel on Park Lane, saw over 1,000 practitioners come together to celebrate the achievements of those working in the security and fire industry.

The evening's host, Gabby Logan, crowned Mitie the winners of 'Best Contribution to Standards in the Security Sector'.

This award recognises Mitie's contribution to a community guarding initiative that collaborates with local policing teams and other crime reduction partnerships to ensure a safer environment for its colleagues and customers.

There was more success for Muhammad Fahim, who picked up the 'Security Manager of the Year' accolade.

Muhammed manages the security team for Eurostar, with over 250 staff at four sites.

* Mitie-manager.jpgThe award recognises Muhammad's commitment to delivering customer-focused security services and promoting security awareness amongst his customers and staff. He has introduced many innovations and improvements for the international rail provider with his train-search training programme being adopted by other security teams across the continent.

Muhammad Fahim, centre, picks up the 'Security Manager of the Year' award

Jason Towse, Managing Director of Mitie's security management business, said:

"This is a fantastic achievement for the security management team and represents a lot of hard work and dedication. I would like to congratulate Muhammad and everyone within Mitie who has contributed to these great wins. They are a testament to the high calibre of our security personnel."

29th November 2017

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