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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Mitie awarded contract with the Home Office

* Mitie-security.jpgMitie's Care & Custody business has been awarded a 10-year contract with the Home Office worth an estimated £525million, through a competitive tender process*. The new services reflect the Home Office's commitment to detainee welfare.

Mitie will be responsible for escorting immigration detainees, both within the UK and overseas, on removal flights to detainees' home countries. The contract, which will start in May 2018, also includes the management of a number of fixed facilities throughout the UK, including airport holding rooms, reporting centres, and two short term holding facilities.

Mitie currently manages two immigration removal centres on behalf of the Home Office, Campsfield House and Heathrow Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs). Together these currently have the capacity to house over 1,200 detainees.

Mitie will make significant advances in developing technology systems in partnership with the Home Office to transform the way that immigration escorting services are delivered. This focus on the use of new and emerging technologies will modernise working and operational practices to improve efficiency and de-risk removals.

Colin Dobell, Managing Director of Mitie's Care & Custody business, said:

"This is a game changing new contract for Mitie Care & Custody and reflects our proven expertise in delivering these services. Since the award of Campsfield House in 2010, we have worked closely with the Home Office to provide a safe and secure approach to immigration services. We are delighted to expand this partnership and look forward to implementing this new contract, with embedded new technology. We believe this will transform immigration escorting services for the Home Office, the people in our care, and also those that work for us."

*Award is subject to contract

About Mitie

Mitie is a FTSE 250 business providing a wide range of facilities management and professional services, from real estate consultancy, project management, energy consultancy, compliance, risk assessment and security systems to cleaning, catering, engineering, technical and environmental services, care & custody and a range of specialist services.

Mitie works in partnership with organisations to deliver long-term savings, managing and maintaining some of the nation's most recognised landmarks for a range of blue-chip public and private sector customers.

Mitie is the UK's largest Facilities Management Company, employing some 53,000 people across the country.

3rd January 2018

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