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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Anthony J. Ramunno

* Anthony-Ramunno.jpgAnthony J. Ramunno, 66, has died unexpectedly Monday, Jan. 15, 2018.

'Tony' started his professional career at James Altier Lock & Key in Youngstown. Later to become sole owner of Allied Locksmiths of Youngstown and moved the business to South Avenue.

Tony was an active member of various professional organizations including (ALOA) Associated Locksmiths of America, where he served as past officer and board member, (POLA) Penn Ohio Locksmiths of America and (SAVTA) Safe and Vault Tech. Association, where he was past officer.

He was also a member of the Youngstown Model Railroad Association, serving as past officer and president for 18 years, Pacentrani Club past officer and current president, South Avenue Business Owners Association member, and also a member of both the New Jersey and Philadelphia Locksmith Associations.

Tony was one of the first locksmiths in the United States to achieve Master Locksmith status. He helped to write tests and set standards for the locksmith profession followed nationally and internationally.

24th January 2018

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