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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
24th July 2024 Issue no. 715

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Safety at height with Foot The Ladder

* Foot-the-Ladder.jpgIdeal for security installers who work at height installing bell boxes, CCTV cameras, etc. This product is a UK innovation, manufactured here, and negates the need for a second person to foot the ladder whilst a colleague works at height!

Everybody appreciates that using a ladder can be dangerous, even if a person is only a few rungs high. Each year there are numerous ladder related incidents and accidents in the UK alone.

The Health and Safety Executive reports that annually there are around six deaths per year resulting from falls off of ladders. Figures from that source also indicate that approximately one third of all injuries sustained in the UK per year are as a result of falls from ladders.

The majority of ladder related incidents occur when the base, or bottom, of a ladder slips away from underneath the user. This is the reason that many people ask someone to "foot the ladder" for them. All of the above information brings us to the product we offer, appropriately named Foot The Ladder. This device is designed to prevent ladders from slipping away from underneath you.

The Foot The Ladder is strong, effective, and very easy to use. How easy? It takes just two seconds to attach to any ladder, and the same amount of time, two seconds, to remove it! That's how easy! Constructed from high quality British steel, it is fully seam welded at every joint, and then the finished product is powder coated for a robust finish.

The Foot The Ladder has been accredited for its performance and effectiveness by a leading working at height training facility. The accreditation procedure followed strict health and safety guidelines in line with the Health and Safety Executive's mandate. (Details of accreditation are available)

For more info and to watch the video click the pic:

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31st January 2018

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