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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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New Kids On The Lock at Lockexpo 2018

* matt-on-stage.jpgOver 9 years of Lockexpo, we've listened to your feedback and we're bringing you several new features this year, such as the Family Room and lockpicking competitions. One feature we're very excited about is the New Kids On The Lock area.

This is a dedicated area for inventors, innovative projects and new startups where you'll be able to get a look at some cutting edge new products you might not have seen anywhere else!

Amongst the exhibitors confirmed for this area are Technique Safes, Holdfast, Mairie Ltd with their Memory Key, and Citadel Lock Tools with their Abloy Classic pick and other tools. Matt Smith of Citadel Lock Tools is also leading our training workshop on disc detainer locks, which will be a must see - Matt has presented all over the world and is a highly renowned security expert and locksmith.

Have you registered as a visitor? It's free!

Photo: Matt Smith on stage in the Netherlands, 2017

31st January 2018

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