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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
12th February 2025 Issue no. 740

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Industry experts gather for NBCS' second Members' Day

* NBCS-presentation.jpgThe National Business Crime Solution (NBCS), a not for profit initiative that enables the sharing of data between law enforcement agencies and the business community in order to reduce crime, continued on from the inaugural success of its first Members' Day in January with a second Members' Day in March 2018.

The theme of the day is Managing Current Business Crime Risks.

There will be presentations, which identify current, emerging and potential future threats as well as some thought-provoking updates on techniques and projects that have proved valuable in the fight against crime.

The forthcoming presentations will be given by leading industry experts from NBCS, Asda, Athelney, Mitie, Maybo, Pyronix and Sainsburys.
Over 100 delegates from the world of business, security providers, technology providers and police business crime leads are expected to gather to hear about the latest trends and technology associated with reducing business crime.

During the day there will also be a Burglary Roundtable, which follows the increase in burglaries being reported by several members of the NBCS. The aim of the roundtable is to address what is happening, whether there are any particular hotspots and/or commodities that are being specifically targeted and what mitigation strategies have been tried - sharing best practice on what has/not worked. As well as identifying gaps in the market.

Daniel Hardy was delighted with the response to the first NBCS Members' Day and is relishing the upcoming event, 'NBCS members comprise some of the UK's largest companies and, as everyone's time is precious these days, facilitating associate member suppliers and member end user conversations based on current business risks allows NBCS to offer real value, promoting thought leadership, whilst supporting preventative change opportunities.'
For further information on the event please email [email protected] or t: 0800 080 6016, or visit nationalbusinesscrimesolution.com

14th March 2018

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