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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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Master Lock introduces a high security and high capacity Select Access Key Safe

* Master-Lock-new.jpgAmerican super-brand Master Lock has released a wall-mounted key lock box that offers the widest internal capacity available in the security market. The robust 5426EURD provides essential peace of mind for homeowners who are worried about the security and resilience of other security devices.

The simple and secure lock box ensures parents and children alike will never have to hide keys under the doormat or a flower pot ever again.

The intricate technology behind Master Lock's 5426EURD relaxes parents who are concerned their family won't be able to get into the house after school or that they will have to get another set of keys cut.

The product has received police accreditation and been awarded both the 'Sold Secure' and 'Secured by Design' certifications, meaning it has passed stringent testing procedures.

The zinc-heavy construction is spacious enough to house a large number of single keys or multiple key bunches, plus access cards and fobs. The 14-choice keypad is both numerical and alphabetical, meaning that 16,000 sophisticated combinations are possible to programme. Once the correct code has been entered users simply move an ergonomically-shaped and easily rotatable handle to access the storage chamber.

The unit is also perfect for project managers who want to store a large number of keys in one incredibly secure key safe; each of these sets can then be accessed by multiple onsite workmen. Master Lock's expansive innovation means that only one product needs to be wall-mounted and combination codes can be easily managed. With its latest release, the American superbrand has also accommodated carers and Airbnb hosts who want to securely share access to a patient's living space or holiday homes respectively.

Master Lock's 90-plus years of security expertise means users can rely on a product that has been perfected and designed from the ground up by a team of dedicated security professionals at the brand's headquarters in Wisconsin, USA.

The Master Lock 5426EURD Select Access Key Safe has an SRP of £72 - £82.

The security solution is available now from a variety of retailers including Amazon.co.uk. For more information please visit www.masterlock.eu

11th April 2018

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