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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Codringtons - Out of the Ashes

By now everybody will be aware of the sad demise of Codringtons. Kenny Little, known to everybody in the trade is now running a brand new company; Q-Locks and is focusing on the Anker and BiLock aspects of the old company. All the old suiting records have also been transferred so there is also continuity with profiles etc.

The remaining stock of the other product ranges has been transferred to Morlands who will be continuing with EVVA and many of the other product ranges. More information from:

Q-Locks contact details: Kenny Little, T: 020 8368 5933, E: [email protected]
Morlands contact details: Brian Morland, T: 01202 513787, E: [email protected]

11th April 2018

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