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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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Demand for better security ignites customer growth for Brisant

* Steve-Stewart_Brisant.jpgBrisant Secure has built a considerable following with leading entrance door manufacturers, along with many established players in the locksmith sector, helping to further fuel sustained strong growth. The Lock Lock and Ultion product innovations are being increasingly adopted by the trade and demanded as standard by security conscious consumers.

Performance over the last year has seen customer numbers increase by 36% and 75% more deliveries. 

So not only is Brisant attracting new customers, but all of them are selling more, thanks to an unrivalled range of marketing support materials which in turn are helping to further fuel this period of sustained growth.

Companies in the PVCu, aluminium, timber and composite door sectors are increasingly adopting Ultion as standard, as it's the ultimate cylinder upgrade with a unique £1,000 security guarantee. Lock Lock is carried by locksmiths nationwide as the ultimate deterrent, as a wealth of social media posts have shown and is now gaining significant traction in door sales, given the unique design, longevity and security features it offers.

Steve Stewart CEO of Brisant Secure commented: 'Selling super secure products has become more important than ever for the trade and our sales statistics show that our customers are buying more with unrivalled support and easy online ordering. High security is quickly becoming an industry standard now, that's fully embraced by the demands from consumers to secure their homes in the best way possible and Brisant are actively helping this through our network of customers.'

For further information on Brisant Secure and their respective brands please visit www.brisant-secure.com, e-mail: [email protected] or call 01924 410200. You can also add to their Twitter following @BrisantSecure.

t: 01924 410200


18th April 2018

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