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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
8th January 2025 Issue no. 735

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Always the Safe choice

B-W-CombiLine.jpgIndependently certified to ECB.S S2 (EN14450), the popular Combi-Line safes are AiS approved for up to £4,000 cash or £40,000 valuables. Combi-Line safes also offer genuine fire protection, certified to LFS 30 P (EN15659) for 30mins.

Hot on the heels of winning a prestigious "Stiftung Warentest" consumer award in Germany, the Combi-Line CL20 is now joined by a new larger CL60 model.

One of Burg-Wächter's hottest selling safes is its Diplomat models of fire safes. Independently certified to ECB.S Grade 1 (EN 1143-1), Diplomat safes are AiS approved for £10,000 cash (£100,000 valuables), rated at LFS 60P for 60 minutes of fire protection.

Ever at the forefront of product innovation, Burg-Wächter has recently replaced the Diplomat's old fire insulation material with a new cutting edge lightweight alternative. New Diplomat safes offer the same level of fire protection as before, but all models are now 20% lighter. Locksmiths will appreciate that lighter safes are easier to ship, manoeuvre and install, whilst helping customers navigate any floor loading limitations and chose a convenient installation location.

Burg-Wächter's popular Ranger series of gun safes has recently been expanded with the addition of "N" models. Far exceeding strict UK government guidelines for the storage of arms, all Ranger "N" gun safes feature triple-walled steel construction and have AiS approved cash ratings of £6,000 (£60,000 valuables). A non-resettable emergency locking system is built into the double-walled doors, which feature strong round 25mm bolts.

[email protected]

27th June 2018

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