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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Win a trip to Paris for two

* CDVI-Paris.jpg"To celebrate the launch of our new catalogue, we are giving CDVI customers the opportunity to win 2 return Eurostar tickets to Paris and 300€ to spend during their trip!

As you would expect from CDVI, it has every product you need to complete a successful installation. The all new CDVI catalogue has:

* new products for all your access control needs
* a new handy size
* an online version with links to our products and datasheets
* 88 pages for 457 products!
The competition is free to enter and the winner will be drawn from all entrants after the closing date of 15th August 2018."

More information here: www.cdvi.co.uk

Our new catalogue can be found here: https://issuu.com/cdviuk/docs/2018-product-selector_digital2

25th July 2018

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