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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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IPercom with CallMe; answer your video entry calls from anywhere

* callme-app-urmet.jpgKey benefits of IPercom with CallMe:

* Only one Internet connection is required for the whole building
* Licence-free
* Gateway-free
* It allows residents to answer video entry calls from a tablet, mobile phone (WiFi or 3G/4G) or traditional apartment station
* Meets Secured By Design (SBD) requirements
* Free and simple-to-use app

For new-build apartment blocks, IPercom by Urmet provides a cost-effective solution to an increasingly common request from residents: to be able to receive video entry calls on their smartphone or tablet, in addition to retaining a traditional fixed station in their apartment.

This combination of features also conforms to Secured by Design (SBD) requirements, under which a fixed apartment station is compulsory so that residents can use the video entry security system and answer the call, even if they do not have the app.

The set-up for our revolutionary call forwarding system is straightforward: residents simply download the CallMe app and follow the easy set-up guide to create an account. Their username can then be updated on the Max touchscreen inside the apartment and calls set to 'remote' so that they can be received on both the apartment station and the CallMe app via WiFi or 3G/4G. Residents can then see who is at their door and grant access (if desired), even if they are out of the apartment, such as in a coffee shop, at work or on holiday.

Furthermore, thanks to our IPercom IP solution, only one Internet connection is required for the whole building, meaning that an entire block of apartments can enjoy the benefits of call forwarding from the landlord's single Internet connection. There is also no licence required, which further reduces the cost, and no gateway, which would require the installation of additional equipment.

The app is free to download and available for both Android and iOS. Search 'Urmet CallMe' at the PlayStore or App Store to find out more and download the app.

For further information, please visit www.urmet.co.uk or email [email protected]

21st November 2018

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