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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
12th February 2025 Issue no. 740

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Coming to Lockexpo? Bring the whole family!

* toys.jpgThis year sees the return of the Family Room at Lockexpo. A popular new addition last year, this room is somewhere your long-suffering spouse and children can distract themselves while you spend all your money - I mean, while you browse the show.

Much to our amazement, our research has found that while giveaways and sweets on exhibitors' stands are popular with kids, they still tend to get a bit bored after a while, and it's nice to have somewhere to take them that isn't all about locks for five minutes.

We provide toys, magazines, newspapers, refreshments, free wifi and, occasionally over the weekend, balloon animals! The family room provides your loved ones with a safe haven of distractions, while you can go off and enjoy the show at your own leisure. It's located in the corridor with the training rooms which runs from the back of the Banqueting Room along to the Atrium bar and cafe.

So pull up that buggy, sit back, relax and let your kids blow off a little steam.

However, it should be noted that children must be supervised at all times.

Training courses are nearly full up now - down to the last few spaces so book quickly: https://lockexpo.co.uk/training/

Don't forget that visitors who have pre-registered will be entered into our draw to win a Lenovo Tab 3 tablet! https://lockexpo.co.uk/visitor-registration/

13th February 2019

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