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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Unlocking the Key to Success

* keyprog_demos.jpgHickleys, the vehicle key programming specialist, are explaining the opportunities in key programming at two presentations being held around the country this month.

The ability to copy or program vehicle keys and remotes adds additional business to service and diagnostic garages, car sales and main dealers, plus key cutters and auto locksmiths.

Presentation and Demonstration

The presentations will explain the equipment required, the technical backup available and the methods used, offering a new service to your existing or potential customers. Using the Smart Pro or Zed-FULL key programming and cloning diagnostic testers, payback scenarios of as little as 7 months (or 30 key programs) can easily be achieved. Purchases using lease terms can introduce you to immediate profits as the equipment is paid for from the profit earned.

The presentations include demonstrations on key programming, cloning, eeproming and transponder manipulation, plus details of the low cost tools available, the huge range of keys and remotes available on a next day service and the full range of backup services included in the purchase price.

Where and When?

Best Western Hotel, Doncaster - 11th March (17:00-20:30)?Mercure Brandon Hall Hotel, Coventry - 12th March (17:00-20:30) www.hickleys.com

27th February 2019

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