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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

Your industry news - first


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Full exhibitor list for MLA Expo 2019 announced

* MLA-show.jpgWe can now confirm the full exhibitor line up for MLA Expo 2019, with over 90 exhibitors already confirmed so far including leading manufacturers & suppliers from around the world.

Interest levels are so high we expect more to be signing up in the very near future so keep an eye on the list as it will no doubt be growing.


Once again we are working with our friends at the Auto Locksmiths Association (ALA) to run THE GARAGE at MLA Expo, an area dedicated to auto locksmithing.

To view The Garage Exhibitor List click here.

We will be announcing the full training programme next week!

PS Don't forget you must register for free entry to attend the exhibition.


If you miss this event, we don't return until 2021!

17th July 2019

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