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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions events 'Unlock Compliance' for Fire Door Safety Week 2019

* AAOS-FDSW-ii.jpgFire doors are often the first line of defence in a fire, yet the strict specification, maintenance and management of these doorsets is still not fully understood. This is something that ASSA ABLOY is passionate about changing.

So, to coincide with Fire Door Safety Week 2019 (23-29 September), ASSA ABLOY Opening Solutions UK & Ireland will be hosting two dedicated events to help people responsible for fire doors, unlock compliance to fire door safety.

The two events will take place at the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Conference Suite on the 19th September and at the UBM Building in Central London on the 24th September.

The aim of the events is to educate and inform delegates about the fire door standards that can often be lost in translation. ASSA ABLOY will bring together all of its brands and wide ranging experience to speak about the common issues surrounding fire door compliance. It will then offer practical advice on how to overcome these issues, by breaking down current and future regulations and ramifications.

The events will promote fire door safety and compliance to facilities managers, building owners, specifiers and contractors. Attendees can expect to gain a greater understanding from ASSA ABLOY staff and guest speakers on the following key topics:

* Safeguarding compliance through the supply chain
* The important role door hardware plays in ensuring building compliance
* The role and performance of fire door seals
* The importance of compartmentalisation in fire safety

The event will end with a discussion panel.

Brian Sofley, Managing Director at ASSA ABLOY Door Group, comments: "In May 2018, results of the Independent Review of Building Regulation and Fire Safety, led by Dame Judith Hackitt, made it clear that even after the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017, fire doors remained a significant area of neglect, often downgraded and mismanaged throughout their service life.

"Fire safety can only be properly guaranteed if the standards and checks of equipment such as fire doors are carried out by-the-book, and throughout the lifecycle of both the products and the building."

Eryl Jones, Managing Director at ASSA ABLOY Door Hardware & Access Control Group, adds: "Growth and acquisitions give ASSA ABLOY Door Hardware & Access Control Group the broadest range of fire compliant door hardware products in the market, backed up by an experienced team of industry professionals.

"ASSA ABLOY's fire safety events have been a great success over the last couple of years, and we are keen to carry on helping industry professionals to understand compliance when it comes to fire door safety standards.

"We urge industry professionals, specifiers, contractors, property owners and facilities managers to join us at this year's free events, to help better the standard of fire door compliance as an industry."

To register your interest in an event and to find out more, please visit:

Manchester (19th September) - http://bit.ly/33pANox
London (24th September) - http://bit.ly/2KFS6JE

Want to keep up date on all that ASSA ABLOY are doing around Fire Door Safety? Visit www.assaabloyopeningsolutions.co.uk

18th September 2019

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