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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
12th February 2025 Issue no. 740

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Smart R Distribution and Safetrust announce distribution partnership

* Safetrust.jpgFrictionless access control has become a must for many businesses that want to create a hygienic working environment for colleagues and visitors in a COVID-19 affected world. The availability of the Safetrust Touchless Identity solution from Smart R Distribution could not therefore come at a better time.

The Safetrust Touchless Identity solution provides the opportunity for existing access control systems operating within airports, offices, education establishments, factories, hospitals, local authority and government buildings to be upgraded to support mobile credentials without having to incur the cost and disruption of replacing existing card readers.

Adding functionality to HID iCLASS readers
When plugged into the connector on the rear of an existing HID Global(r) iCLASS(r) card reader, a Safetrust Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) SABRE MODULE provides support for the Safetrust Wallet mobile credentials application. The ability to read securely programmed DESfire cards, as well as existing HID Global(r) iCLASS(r) credentials, means that users have the freedom to choose from multiple suppliers for their ongoing credential requirements.

Easy upgrade of existing proximity readers
The SABRE DECAL has specifically been designed with the many thousands of installed HID Global(r) proximity card readers in mind, enabling them to be upgraded to support the Safetrust Wallet mobile credentials' application within a minute.

This is achieved by simply sticking the decal onto the HID reader. No new wiring or a battery is required, as the module has been engineered to take its power from the proximity card reader's RFID emissions.

* SABRE-MODULE.jpgFlexibility
With the help of SABRE INLINE connected to other types of card readers, the Touchless Identity solution works equally well with any manufacturer's access control system which uses Wiegand readers.

"Whichever system this solution is added to, it does not stop existing access control cards and readers from working, and this means end-users can migrate to a totally frictionless workplace at their own pace," said Neill Williams, Director of Suffolk-based Smart R Distribution.

Added value
"Beyond the immediate need for people to have peace of mind in knowing they are working or visiting an environment where there are measures in place to restrict the possibility of COVID-19 being spread, the Touchless Identity solution also offers system integrators the opportunity to provide their clients with a considerable extra value from their existing access control systems.

"Safetrust's SABRE USB, for example, when inserted into a laptop, PC, photocopier or vending machine, will ensure they can only be accessed or used by those with the appropriate encrypted mobile credentials securely stored on the Safetrust Wallet application running on their Android or iOS smartphone or tablet."

The Safetrust Wallet can store an unlimited number of credentials, enabling users to have a single identity to gain access to multiple buildings that may utilise different access control systems without having to carry around multiple access control cards.

www.smartrdistribution.com / www.safetrust.com.

2nd December 2020

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