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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Virtual Check In reaches 250,000 users in just six months from a standing start

* Virtual-check-in.jpgVirtual Check In provides a contactless visitor/staff recording system to any organisation that needs to keep a track of who has come in and out of their business.

So far, Virtual Check In has helped over 350 businesses of all sizes to replace their pen and paper recording system with its contactless QR code / NFC scanning system, and now has over 250,000 users across multiple industries.

Virtual Check In uses the latest technology to make business life simple with the ability to follow the latest Government guidelines adhering to hygiene, sanitation, social distancing requirements and compliments your own COVID-19 business response.

It's for businesses, whether commercial or hospitality, who put people first by providing no-touch, hassle-free access to your premises, with easy reporting via a dashboard to show who has visited. Using an easy access recording web based system, anyone can use it to record who has visited, whenever that may be.

There's no kit to install, no apps to download, and no paperwork to handle.

E. [email protected]

T: 0333 344 5375

16th December 2020

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