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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
8th January 2025 Issue no. 735

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2020 a year in review and what to expect from 3D Group in 2021

* coronavirus-blue.jpgWhat a year it has been for all of us! I think many of us are glad it is over; however, it wasn't all bad. Here is a quick look back at what we accomplished in 2020 and what is to come from us in 2021.

Firstly, we wish you all a Happy New Year! Let's hope that 2021 is better for all of us. The UK's first COVID 19 lockdown seems like a distant memory now, but at the time there was a lot of worry within the industry and we are not afraid to admit that we felt the same. It was a relief to hear that the government provided support for many businesses, but unfortunately there were always going to be gaps within the system and they completely forgot about wholesalers that supplied those businesses.

Fortunately, we came out of the first national lockdown stronger than ever. We streamlined a number of our processes, becoming a much more productive business and our team worked extremely hard to make sure those customers still operating were supplied like any other normal working day, regardless of the pandemic.


13th January 2021

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