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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
24th July 2024 Issue no. 715

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The future of car keys

* car-key.jpgThe question posed recently in an email between some of the leading lights in the automotive locksmith industry was: "How long will it be until car keys are a thing of the past?"

This question is obviously of great importance to automotive locksmiths as it's their bread and butter, so in this piece, we will be exploring how the automotive industry is changing the way we will get into and start our vehicles in future.

How things stand today and the technology that is already out there

Keyless entry systems have been around since 1998 when Mercedes-Benz introduced it in their S-class range, this didn't have a great impact on the automotive locksmith industry at the time as widespread adoption didn't happen until recently, and even then, these keyless entry systems still required a physical device to be with the owner of the car. This meant that the most significant change automotive locksmiths had to deal with was changing the type of remotes/keys they stocked by adding proximity keys and in a way, the invention of Keyless Entry created opportunities for the business savvy locksmith due to its vulnerability to relay attacks. These attacks meant that there were opportunities for locksmiths to provide additional security products to prevent them.


20th January 2021

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