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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
8th January 2025 Issue no. 735

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Magenta Security supports IFPO research into frontline security officers

Magenta Security is calling on all individuals and companies within the security sector to take part in ground-breaking research commissioned by The International Foundation for Protection Officers.

The research which is being undertaken on behalf of the IFPO will be conducted by Perpetuity Research and is open to security officers and guards up to the level of "supervisor" in Canada Ecuador, India, Ireland, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, UK and the USA.

"The more we know the better we can perform, which is what makes this research so important to the industry as a whole," comments Abbey Petkar, managing director of Magenta Security.

"Research such as this gives us a better understanding of what we do, how we do it and how we can learn and consequently improve. Just as no two security guards are the same, so are no two companies or countries. By gathering this anonymised data we will have extensive and in-depth data, which we can interrogate and used throughout the industry going forward."

To find out more visit www.perpetuityresearch.com

Click here to take the survey: www.surveymonkey.co.uk

26th May 2021

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