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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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3D Group are making moves

* 3DG-new-building.jpgThe past two years have been challenging for most businesses, with the logistical problems that came with Brexit and not to mention Covid-19.

Nevertheless, we have continued to provide the industry with the best service possible, not taking our foot off the gas. What became more apparent when our staff started to return to the office was the lack of space at our current location.

Over the past nine years that we have been at our present site, we have expanded, repurposed rooms and even developed into next door's building.

We have always struggled with space, and since taking on new team members and a plan to take on more in the future, we have decided to make the leap and move to a better-suited site. We are excited to announce that we will soon establish our headquarters at a more accessible location in Sherwood Business Park, which you can find just off the M1 at junction 27.

See below for a view of where we will be located.

* 3DG-location-map1.jpgImprovements for Our Customers?

Our customers are always at the forefront of our business decisions, with a drive to improve year on year and this move is a step in the right direction.
Below you can see how we think the move will help our customers.

Bigger Stock Range

Our space has become so limited that we are currently only just managing to store a variety of stock for you at our current location. The new site will have over double the space, allowing us to keep more inventory for an even better service.

Research & Development

More space will allow 3D Group to undertake research and development (R&D); we're excited to be part of the innovation and introduction of new products and services into the industry. It has just not been possible at our current location; it's always been at the forefront of our plan, as we're always looking for ways to improve our existing offerings to our customers and the industry as a whole.

Training & Open Days

We're looking forward to opening our doors to you and having the opportunity to offer training days and open days! We love being able to provide more to our customers and we think one of the ways we can do this is by holding bespoke industry-specific events that will improve your skills and knowledge and spread information across the industry.

We will be able to host mini expo-type events, where we will be able to explore innovative technologies, host training days and get together with people from across this industry.

Better Location for Pickups

See below for our new location! It is undoubtedly in a better spot for you to collect orders or visit for training events. In addition, we will have free parking for visitors, something we can assure you we're all looking forward to. Another bonus is there is also a hotel next door, which is perfect for when you want to attend events. 
* 3DG-location-map2.jpg

"The last couple of years have been very difficult fighting our ongoing case against Trading Standards, our late father's death and then the challenges of COVID. It's great to finally have something positive to look forward to. We have made the decision to go ahead and heavily invest into the future of the company and our staff. This is a new chapter for 3D Group that we hope will benefit the industry immensely. We look forward to seeing many of you at one of our open days in the future!" Dean Sanderson (Director)

Improvements For Our Staff

Positive Work Environment

3D Group has always aimed to offer a positive environment to work in; we recognise the need to promote employee safety, growth, and goal attainment. We know that the new premises will bring out the best in our staff!

More Space to Conduct Training

Training is paramount here at 3D Group; each department takes the training of its staff seriously. New larger premises will allow the space to conduct training and even take on additional staff to improve our knowledge base.

Improved Tech Support

With the improvement of R&D and training, we will be able to further our tech support efforts. In addition, we will have more space to conduct our own research, which will improve the level of technical support we can offer to our customers.

Something for All of Us!

Whilst this expansion may only seem like 3D Group moving to a new location, we can assure you that it is much more; we are planning on expanding our team to improve the business overall.

We have taken on an operations director, who oversees the internal operations, improving the business in many ways. For example, managing the relationship between 3D Group and you, ensuring your expectations are being met, directing your feedback to the correct departments and ensuring you are being provided with the best service possible. We are looking to expand our team further to aid in the positive push forward of 3D Group.

When Can You Expect the Move to Happen?

This move has been months in the making, with even more planning and preparation before the day arrives! You know how it is to move house, this is similar, but we must be concerned with how this move will affect you. With that in mind, we are planning to move on December the 17th, hopefully during the industry's quieter period. We want this process to be as seamless as possible for all involved.

We will be keeping you updated with news and events related to the move!

1st December 2021

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