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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
22nd January 2025 Issue no. 737

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Q-Smart Fingerprint Door Handle

* Q-Smart.jpgQ-Smart fingerprint door handle is an electronic door lock that runs on battery power. No wiring is necessary. This is a completely keyless entry system – no need for keys or PIN codes. Set up personal preferences for the whole household.

The handle operates in 3 ways:

Fingerprint scanner
Key-card (IC card proximity reader)
Smartphone app.

The first method is fingerprint recognition with a large reader pad, concealed under a hinged tab to keep it dry. The second is a proximity fob (IC card) that communicates with a reader built into the handle. And the third is via the app, allowing a user to use their mobile phone as a key.

The main user can send permanent or temporary timed keys to another person via the smart phone app. Eliminating the need for cutting extra sets of keys or leaving them in ‘safe’ place’! The app retains a log of operations, providing visitor management records.

No mains wiring is needed as the Q-Smart is powered by 4 x AA batteries. When the batteries start to run low a warning is sent to the app and as a voice command on the handle itself. However, if the batteries are allowed to go completely flat, temporary power can be provided by a micro-USB power source. This should give you enough emergency power to get back into the property again!


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18th May 2022

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