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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Another great show in the books!

* Hickleys-show1.jpgOur show team set out our wares once again at Lock Expo in Nottingham. In 2023 the future of Lock Expo was in doubt due to the sad passing of its founder, Mike Friend. As a company, we wanted to help the show continue and this is why we stepped in as main sponsors for 2023 and 2024. 

While we no doubt live in an increasingly digital age, we cannot emphasise enough how much we value getting together with our existing and future customers in person. This is not only an opportunity to demo our products, but it also gives us a chance to gather first-hand feedback from the people using our tools and services in the real world every day. This is also why we always gather the best deals and offers to take to these important trade shows.

* Hickleys-show2.jpgThank you to everyone that came along to see us at the show, we were pleased to see every one of you! A big hit on our stand this year was ‘The Tank’ key cutting machine. This is an amazing new key cutting machine that we have added to our portfolio. It has proven so popular that we have already sold our first batch of units! Never fear though, we already have more stock on its way to us. Just keep an eye on our social media and website, where we will soon release the full details.

We were also very pleased to be able to provide our prize package to one lucky attendee of the show. The winner of the bundle was Besnik Progni.


To order give our friendly sales team a call on 01823 328532
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13th March 2024

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