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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Top name suppliers in attendance at Hickleys Simply Keys

* Simply-Keys-Partners.jpgThere is now less than 2 weeks to go until Hickleys annual auto locksmith and diagnostics trade show. Hickleys have released the full list of suppliers that will be brining their products and services to show at Simply Keys, and it looks like there is a wide range on show.

First up is GYS, the locksmiths favourite supplier of battery support and management tools. GYS have been partnered with Hickleys for a number of years and one of their expert sales team will be at the show to give advice on the best units to suit auto locksmiths needs. Also on demo at the show will be their popular Powerduction product. This is a heat induction machine that is a safe way to generate heat in components that may need a little bit of persuasion!

Next up is IEA, one of Europe’s leading suppliers of key programming and cloning equipment. IEA and Hickleys have worked closely to develop the ZedFULL plus key programming unit and continually support the ZedFULL line of programmers to bring more capabilities to the market. One of IEA’s technical staff will be at the show, displaying the latest capabilities of the ZedFULL plus.

Also at Simply Keys will be Silca/Advanced Diagnostics. They will be giving demos of the Smart Pro key programmers and comprehensive range of accessories that are available for one the most user-friendly key programming units on the UK market. They will also be showing the latest Futura branded key cutting machines.

Returning from last years Simply Keys are Core Diagnostics who now provide the remote diagnostics and key programming solutions that Hickleys provide to their customers. Core have an expert team on hand in their offices, and are armed with a huge number of OE and third party diagnostic tools. The Core Diagnostic Tool is an affordable tool that locksmiths and mechanics plug into customer vehicles and use the internet as a bridge to Cores wide range of tools and services.

Next up at the show is Maverick Diagnostics who will be bringing a range of their products and will be on hand to advise existing and potential customers.

Finally you will also be able to see KAP Diagnostics and North West Keys at Simply Keys, so all in all there will be something of interest for everyone.

Book your FREE tickets for Simply Keys now at www.hickleys.com/simply. 

10th July 2024

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