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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
15th January 2025 Issue no. 736

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Brisant secures industry first in home security

* ALPS-box.jpegBGF-backed lock and hardware supplier, Brisant Secure, has developed an industry-first product, as a new stringent home security standard is released.   

The company’s ALPS (Always Locked Protection System) technology is the first and only solution on the market that meets the new standard. The new standard was published on 30 September and represents a significant advance in protecting homes from emerging burglary threats. 

Following the recent discovery of new lock-breaking methods, the British Standards Institute (BSi) and Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) moved quickly to introduce tougher lock testing criteria. This resulted in an update to the PAS 24 and TS007 standards, ensuring that the highest-rated locks could withstand the latest attack techniques.

Since the announcement of the new standard, only Brisant locks have successfully passed the rigorous new testing regime, securing its position as an industry-first for leading-edge home security.

Kevin Harvey, Managing Director of Brisant Secure, commented: “We pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve when it comes to evolving security threats. So, it comes as no surprise to us that we are the first and, to date, only manufacturer to bring a lock to market that meets these tough new standards. Our Ultion range has consistently led the market, and this achievement reinforces our commitment to being one step ahead of burglars.” 

The updated PAS 24 standard includes a challenging new set of criteria to ensure locks can withstand the most aggressive attack methods. Brisants lock passed these tests in March 2024, months before the introduction of the updated standard.

The inclusion of Brisant’s patented ALPS technology was critical in overcoming these challenges, offering enhanced protection from six attack methods – drilling, picking, bumping, snapping, twisting and thermal.

The company is currently in the process of incorporating the ALPS technology into its flagship Ultion lock.

Harvey continued: “We anticipated these changes and began preparing well before the updated standard was published. For our customers, this means they will shortly benefit from a seamless update that meets the highest security demands.

“It’s critically important for door makers and installers that our solution is available quickly, as we believe that alternatives meeting the standard may not be available for 18 months.” 

Brisant Secure, which received a multi-million investment from BGF in 2021 to help the company develop further innovations, is committed to providing the very best protection for British homes. Its Ultion range is renowned for its uncompromising approach to safety, combining robust design with patented technologies to stay one step ahead of emerging security threats.



23rd October 2024

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