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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
24th July 2024 Issue no. 715

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3D Group: Trade shows and new products

* 3DG2.jpg3D Group has been so busy that the weeks are just flying by!

We were all getting ready for the ALExpo at the Belfry hotel in Nottingham. We are lucky that this key trade show occurs so close to home as tradeshows are really hard work and it's nice to be able to go home to your own bed at the end of a busy day on stand!

What customers may not realise is how much hard work goes into the organisation of 3D Group's presence at the ALEX show, most departments are involved in some way. It begins with the marketing department booking and designing the stand along with designing and arranging advertising and e-newsletters months in advance. Then, when the weekend of the show comes around, the sales team and tech team get involved by working the weekend manning the stand and serving customers. After the tradeshow weekend the dispatch team then have an incredibly busy few days dispatching all of the orders placed at the show.

This year for the 3rd time running we decided to discount every product (with the odd few exceptions) sold at the show. Every time we have run this offer in the past our customers have been pleased with the substantial savings they have made. We also introduced a short questionnaire this year to ask customers that we met at the show. It was only a few short questions but it provided us with some great feedback about our customer services and products.

* 3DG1.jpgAlthough tradeshows are hard work, we actually love talking face to face with our customers. Our Geekey advisors love talking to others that are just as Geekey as them and many a long discussion was had over the course of the weekend.

A big hit at the tradeshow was the Lishi cut to code machine (pictured right). We had a demonstration model on stand at the show and these sold very well, largely due to the great discount that was offered on them. It was a last minute addition to the stand as it was only released the day before the show. Despite the machine being new to us, Martyn from our Geekey advice team did his best to show everyone how it worked and did a great job.

Another great seller for us during the show was the SKP-900 (top pic). We sold out of the stock we had on stand as well as the remaining stock in the warehouse! Thankfully we've been able to replenish this stock pretty quickly.

We hope that everyone is enjoying their purchases as well as the huge savings they made. I almost had a heart attack when the final figures came through, the discount value for the weekend was over £10,000! Overall it was an incredibly successful show for us and plans are already underway for the Locksmiths Exhibition in March so we look forward to seeing you there!


22nd October 2014

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