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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
24th July 2024 Issue no. 715

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Maker Bus program kick-starts creativity

* Maker-Bus.jpgBy Kate Dubinski

It takes soft hands and a gentle touch to pick a lock. Under the watchful eye of a former locksmith and with an array of tools at his disposal, 10-year-old Kyle Desjardine can pick a front door lock in minutes flat.

Lest you think Desjardine attends some kind of school for pickpockets and petty criminals, fear not - he can also recite the two rules of lock picking: never pick a lock without permission, and never break the law.

Desjardine is one of several kids aged eight to 12 who are part of an after-school program that gives them hands-on activities once a week. It's run by the Maker Bus, a mobile hacker and maker space.

29th April 2015

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