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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
24th July 2024 Issue no. 715

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Keyline 884 Decryptor Mini - re-writing how a car key cloner works!

* Keyline-decryptor-mini.jpgUntil now, the locksmith market has been crying out for a high quality and constantly up to date key cloner at a very low price, and this is exactly what Keyline has brought to the table with the 884 decryptor mini! Available from Tradelocks, the 884 mini has re-written how a cloner works.

Powered by a laptop, tablet or smart phone connection with USB-OTG capability, it generates the power to charge the key being cloned to read the transponder. The 884 mini is controlled using a free app which is available on the Google Play Store, which acts as a data connection to Keyline's servers. Alternatively it can be controlled using a Windows 7 and later PC with Internet connection!

* keyline-decryptor-bug.jpgKevin Pritchard, Tradelocks Manager, says, "We believe the Keyline 884 mini is a fantastic product, and is an extremely affordable and essential piece of kit to clone quality keys. It is a must have for new entrants to auto locksmithing, including garages and key cutting shops!"

By using a third party internet connection, a lot of the costs of the normal cloner have been removed, and so has the overall size of the 884 unit! However Keyline have not stopped there. The unit is capable of cloning many different types of transponders, and best of all the cloner is token free, saving you £££!!!

Kevin continues, "We have also combined this fantastic cloner with the brand new Keyline Megamos ID48 Crypto Cloning kit (worth £219.00), capable of cloning ID48 transponders, something which has never been done before! You may be thinking that you can already do ID48 through programming, however this uses expensive tokens at £20 each! The 884 mini and Megamos uses NO TOKENS, and its ID48 coverage pre 2003 is excellent!"

"On some other cloners, you can wait up to till 3 hours for the machine to get the code, and that's if it can get it! Megamos does this within 30 minutes, and in many cases it's only around 10 minutes."

* TKM-starter-kit.jpg"On vehicles such as the old system 1 Polo, Fabia and Ibiza models, it is impossible to get the pin codes. Megamos clones without the need for the pin codes. This is the same for older Golfs too! The system also works on Audi TTs, Beetles etc. which very few machines can do!"

Kevin concludes, "Saving you even more money, 3 free electronic heads are includes in the Megamos kit - 1 x TKM head and 2 x TK100. Using just these heads on a job will pay for the entire unit! For anyone with another cloner, you can add ID48 cloning at a very low cost, and it is hugely worth the investment!"

The Keyline 884 Decryptor Mini and the Megamos ID48 Crypto Cloning Kit is available from Tradelocks at the incredible price of only £249+VAT for both! For more information, and to also download the comparison chart to see how the 884 mini compares to other cloners including the Keyline Ultegra, Zedbull, Miraclone, JMA TRS5000 Eva, AD900 and R4W Plus, visit:

http://tradelocks.co.uk/keyline-884-decryptor-mini-megamos-crypto-cloning.html today!

22nd July 2015

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