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Locks and Security News: your weekly locks and security industry newsletter
12th August 2020 Issue no. 520

Your industry news - first


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International News

DOM door hardware now with a 'Silver Lining.'

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Today, implementing hygiene regimes and social distancing has become the new norm for society. Door handles and knobs are the most frequently touched surfaces in a building and are considered one of the worst areas to harbour harmful microbes.

Codelocks adds new key control cabinets to its portfolio

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Codelocks further expands its access control portfolio with a new range of simple and effective key control cabinets using a single or unique access code. 

SALTO achieves BSI Enhanced Level IoT Kitemark

SALTO Systems, a leading manufacturer of electronic access control solutions, has become the first company to achieve the BSI Enhanced Level IoT Kitemark for access control systems.

The IoT is typically a network of smart devices and systems that can be connected, enabling data to be exchanged to provide services, efficiency and innovation.

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This Week's News

Why Gymkana is the ultimate solution for auto locksmiths!

* Gymkhana-workshop.jpgThe question on every automotive locksmiths' lips is going to be why buy a Gymkana 994? It does the same as the Condor, right? Why wouldn't I just buy an Xhorse Condor?

Placing its trust

* Anita-Dorfman-House.jpgJewish Care has placed its trust in the latest access control, door entry and CCTV technology, to help create a safe and secure environment for residents living in Anita Dorfman House, a new 64-bed care home facility recently erected at its Sandringham care and community hub in Stanmore.

Phase 1 of the project has seen the MEPH contractor Harvey Group, award a contract to South London system integrator WLS, to install a Paxton Net2 access control and door entry system with the objective of ensuring that Jewish Care has strict control as to who is able to enter the accommodation block or gain access to its sensitive areas.

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If you would like Locks and Security News to feature your product information, case studies, or company news, just email as above. Ideally a Word doc + jpeg images. Remember, we can take copy up to 5pm on any Tuesday for Wednesday transmission.

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The views or claims expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the publisher accepts no liability for errors in this publication.

John Austen
Publishing Director
Tel:07766 707 888



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Coronavirus recovery - data protection advice for organisations

The ICO recognises the unprecedented challenges we are all facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As lockdown restrictions start to ease and businesses begin to reopen, we know you might need to continue to share information quickly or adapt the way you work. Data protection will not stop you doing that.

It's about being proportionate - if something feels excessive from the public's point of view, then it probably is. Our six data protection steps for organisations sets out the key principles organisations need to consider around the use of personal information.

And the ICO is here to help - please see below for answers to the questions we're being asked. If you need more help, call us on 0303 123 1113.
We have also produced specific advice for health and social care organisations during the coronavirus pandemic.

Magenta Security celebrates 25 years of service

Successful security company, Magenta Security is celebrating 25 years of business. Magenta's commitment to providing world-class security services and advocation for positive changes to be made across the industry has helped them become industry leaders across the last quarter century.

Lockexpo postponed until 2021

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After a very strange year so far and not one but two changes to the dates for Lockexpo 2020, we've now accepted that the show can't safely go ahead this year and we're looking ahead to 2021.

Hickleys offer Technical Support & Extended Warranty

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Hickleys would like to offer you two exceptional deals to help you move your business forward out of the Coronavirus lockdown. We hear from lots of customers every day that business completely stopped during the 3 months of lockdown and is now only gradually picking up to pre lockdown levels. In order to help, the two deals we offer are :

Brisant puts govt jobs retention bonus towards creation of 5 new trainee jobs

Like all UK businesses, we found out last week that for every member of staff furloughed whom we still employ in January 2021, we will receive a £1,000 bonus.

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